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This luxury chess set is similar to the Kings Cross but a little more ornate and exotic. The set has a distinct appeal and is very detailed in it’s markings. The material is camel bone – the distinction of this material results in an admirable luxury chess set. The King is 3.75 inch high and the pieces have a good natural weighting to them. The design of the rook in this luxury chess set is especially noteworthy with a gradient on the torso that is well proportioned and attractive, with much detail. The pieces also have bases fitted with felt. The exotic is a good example of luxury chess sets. Expect some imperfections on genuine bone chess sets, wear amd scars from bone mark the material as authentic from the real product – real bone, rather like a sea pearl against a cultured pearl. The board for this set should have squares 1.75 inch, of which we have a good selection in the boards section
Exotic Christina Staunton in Camel Bone Chess Set
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